It is with such joy that we have the privilege of working with Kinga and Carol and their beautiful dogs, but also on occasion kittens, hamsters, and a rabbit.
All the children in the school love having their time for Animal Therapy.
Children with Special Educational Needs are even more delighted, when it is their turn. Their faces light up when they see the dogs. The children become calm when brushing or stroking the dogs. The SEN children are energised and empowered when they give the dogs commands to follow, or take them for a walk on their leashes. Even the children who may be afraid of dogs at the beginning of the sessions, soon become less afraid and warm to the dogs. Children who find reading difficult, relax while reading to the dogs, and their fluency and understanding increases.
The children also learn how to take care of dogs and they learn to read the dog's body language, thus keeping them safe.
Kinga has been coming to the school for a few years now, and it is our hope that she will continue to do so. The Animal Therapy is an integral part of the Well-Being Programme, in the Social, Personal and Health Education Curriculum, at Swords Educate Together N.S.
Alice Hamilton, Assistant Principal and SPHE Coordinator, Swords Educate Together N.S.